How to Send an Email in .NET Core This tutorial show you how to send an email in .NET 6.0 using the MailKit email client library. Install MailKit via NuGet Visual Studio Package Manager Console: Install-Package MailKit How to Send an HTML Email in .NET 6.0 This code sends a simple HTML email using the Gmail SMTP service. There are instructions further below on how to use a few other popular SMTP providers - Gmail, Hotmail, Office 365. // create email message var email = new MimeMessage(); email.From.Add(MailboxAddress.Parse("")); email.To.Add(MailboxAddress.Parse("")); email.Subject = "Email Subject"; email.Body = new TextPart(TextFormat.Html) { Text = "<h1>Test HTML Message Body</h1>" }; // send email using var smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Connect("", 587, SecureSocketOptions.StartTls); smtp.Authenticate("[Username]", "[Password]"); smtp.Se... is a free online resource dedicated to helping both beginner and advanced developers learn and improve their programming skills. The website offers a variety of tutorials, articles, and resources designed to make learning programming easy and fun.